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AdaptNRM Resources and Downloads

Updated versions of AdaptNRM resources can be downloaded from this page. Visit regularly, as we continue to release tools for NRM adaptation planning.

Further information about these resources can also be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page.


AdaptNRM Adaptation Planning Guide

Download The NRM Adaptation Checklist (PDF)


Rissik D, Boulter S, Doerr V, Marshall N, Hobday A and Lim-Camacho L (2014) The NRM Adaptation Checklist: Supporting climate adaptation planning and decision-making for regional NRM. CSIRO and NCCARF, Australia. ISBN 78-1-4863-0319-9




AdaptNRM Adaptation planning key messages

Need a short version to share? Download The NRM Adaptation Checklist: Key messages (PDF). The Key Messages document has been designed as a quick reference for a range of stakeholders.


Rissik D, Boulter S, Doerr V, Marshall N, Hobday A and Lim-Camacho L (2014) The NRM Adaptation Checklist: Supporting climate adaptation planning and decision-making for regional NRM. CSIRO and NCCARF, Australia. ISBN 78-1-4863-0319-9



AdaptNRM Weeds Guide

Download the Weeds and Climate Change guide (PDF)


Scott, J.K., Webber, B.L., Murphy, H., Ota, N., Kriticos, D.J. and Loechel, B. (2014) AdaptNRM Weeds and climate change: supporting weed management adaptation. Available at: www.AdaptNRM.org




Picture of front page of Weeds and Climate change key messagesNeed a short version to share? Download Weeds and Climate Change: Key Messages (PDF). The Key Messages document has been designed as a quick reference for a range of stakeholders.


Scott, J.K., Webber, B.L., Murphy, H., Ota, N., Kriticos, D.J. and Loechel, B. (2014) AdaptNRM Weeds and climate change: supporting weed management adaptation.
CSIRO Land and Water. ISBN 978-1-4863-0401-1



Biodiversity Implications guide front coverDownload the Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity guide (PDF)

For a high resolution version of the guide (26MB), follow instructions for download through the CSIRO Data Access Portal.


Williams KJ, Prober SM, Harwood TD, Doerr VAJ, Jeanneret T, Manion G, and Ferrier S (2014) Implications of climate change for biodiversity: a community-level modelling approach, CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Canberra. Available at: www.AdaptNRM.org. ISBN 978-1-4863-0479-0


Helping Biodiversity Adapt_Cover_thumbnail Download the Helping Biodiversity Adapt Guide (PDF – for screen viewing) (PDF – for printing)


Prober SM, Williams KJ, Harwood TD, Doerr VAJ, Jeanneret T, Manion G, Ferrier S (2015) Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Supporting climate-adaptation planning using a community-level modelling approach. CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Canberra. Available at: www.AdaptNRM.org ISBN 978-1-4863-0560-5




Biodiversity key messages cover pageNeed a short version to share? Download Biodiversity and Climate Change: Key Messages (PDF).

This document highlights the key messages from the Implications for Biodiversity and Helping Biodiversity Adapt modules and has been designed as a quick reference for a range of stakeholders.






Cover page of Personality Portfolio

Download The Personality Portfolio (PDF). This document is a supplement to the Shared Learning Module.


Doerr VAJ, Hobday AJ, Marshall NA, Lim-Camacho L, Jeanneret T (2016). The Personality Portfolio: Using organisational personality to accelerate climate adaptation in NRM. CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra. Available at: www.adaptNRM.org ISBN 978-1-4863-0811-8




Thumbnail image of front pageDownload  AdaptNRM Achievements and Outcomes (PDF).

This document highlights the key achievements and outcomes from the AdaptNRM project.