Other supporting materials and information on weeds and climate change has been placed in the data access portal data.csiro.au. The entire dataset can be found by searching using the keyword ‘adaptNRM’. Other keywords such as ‘weed’ or ‘invasive plant’ will work also. The data is organised so that each invasive plant species has a separate access point and searches can be made using species names.

The data access site has Australian and world maps of Species Distribution Models for current and 2070 climates for about 100 invasive plant species for which there are published CLIMEX models of relevance to Australia. The time period to 2070 was chosen so that potential changes in species distribution will be obvious.

  • The parameters for each model are listed in an Excel table.
  • A cxp file is provided for use in CLIMEX.
  • The CLIMEX references are listed in a Word document.
  • GIS data are provided for each species’ climate suitability.