Supporting climate adaptation planning and decision-making for regional NRM

AdaptNRM is a national initiative that aims to support NRM groups in updating their NRM plans to include climate adaptation planning. It is part of Stream 2 of the National Resource Management (NRM) Planning for Climate Change Fund administered by the Department of Environment. CSIRO and NCCARF are providing NRM groups with materials and data products about key individual topics that are regionally and nationally relevant.

Adaptation information is delivered at a national level in scale, but are designed to suit regions in order to complement other NRM Fund projects and existing NRM activities that incorporate locally-specific issues and solutions.

An engagement-led approach

The AdaptNRM philosophy stems from a user-driven approach to developing NRM-relevant information. The aim of our process is to make information and materials accessible through a series of five easy-to-understand modules which deliver simple, synthesised guidance which is supported by technical guides and data sets.

The AdaptNRM team consists of bio-physical and social scientists who work with NRM professionals to deliver information packages that are useful for planners and their stakeholders.