In this section we provide a summary of the resources used in the Helping Biodiversity Adapt Guide.

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For quick reference, the key measures introduced in this Module are briefly defined below. Expanded definitions of these and other terms are provided in the Glossary in the Helping Biodiversity Adapt Guide.

Projected distribution of vegetation types:

Patterns of potential change in the distribution of Australian plant communities, represented mainly by vegetation structure or dominant species, are given as projected probabilities for each vegetation type. As vegetation changes, so do the ecosystems on which populations of plants and animals depend for their existence.

Revegetation benefit:

Revegetation benefit is a relative indicator of how many more contemporary local species are likely to be sustained across a landscape into the future by revegetating cleared areas. It highlights where revegetation using contemporary practice is potentially most beneficial in a changing climate.

Need for assisted dispersal:

The need for assisted dispersal estimates how far an organism might need to move from its current location to find an environment in the future that is ecologically similar to the environment it currently occupies. Greater need for assisted dispersal indicates greater potential need to actively move or translocate species.

Refugial potential:

Refugial potential indicates how important a location may be as a habitat for species to retreat to, persist in, and potentially later expand from under climate change.

For those interested in learning more about the methods, further explanation and background information is provided in a series of Technical Notes. These are included as an appendix to the Helping Biodiversity Adapt Guide.

  • Technical Note 1 – Biodiversity projection datasets and maps
  • Technical Note 2 – GDM-based projected distribution of vegetation type
  • Technical Note 3 – An index of revegetation benefit for contemporary biodiversity
  • Technical Note 4 – Calculating the index of refugial potential

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Barnett J, O’Neill SJ (2013) Minimising the risk of maladaptation: a framework for analysis. In ‘Climate Adaptation Futures.’  pp. 87-93. (John Wiley & Sons)

Barrett T, Love J (2012) ‘Fine scale modelling of fauna habitat and connectivity values in the ACT region.’ (NSW Office of Environment and Heritage: Armidale, Australia) 72p.

Beck J (2011) Species–area curves and the estimation of extinction rates. Frontiers of Biogeography 3(3), 81-83.

Byrne M, Prober S, McLean L, Steane D, Stock W, Potts B, Vaillancourt R (2013) ‘Adaptation to climate in widespread eucalypt species: Climate-resilient revegetation of multi-use landscapes: exploiting genetic variability in widespread species.’ (National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility: Gold Coast, Australia) 86p.

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Clarke JM, Whetton PH, Hennessy KJ (2011) Providing Application-specific Climate Projections Datasets: CSIRO’s Climate Futures Framework. In ‘MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, December 2011. ‘ (Eds F Chan, D Marinova and R Anderssen) pp. 2683-2690. (Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand: Perth, Western Australia)

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Department of the Environment and Water Resources (2007) ‘Australia’s Native Vegetation: A summary of Australia’s Major Vegetation Groups, 2007.’ (Australian Government: Canberra) 42p.

Doerr VAJ, Doerr ED, Davies MJ (2010) Does structural connectivity facilitate dispersal of native species in Australia’s fragmented terrestrial landscapes? Collaboration for Environmental Evidence CEE review 08-007(SR44), 1-71,

Doerr VAJ, Williams KJ, Drielsma M, Doerr ED, Davies MJ, Love J, Langston A, Choy SL, Manion G, Cawsey EM, McGinness HM, Jovanovic T, Crawford D, Austin MP, Ferrier S (2013) ‘Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change.’ (A report prepared for the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship: Canberra) 260p.

Donohue RJ, Harwood TD, Williams KJ, Ferrier S, McVicar TR (2014) ‘Estimating habitat condition using time series remote sensing and ecological survey data.’ (CSIRO Earth Observation and Informatics Transformational Capability Platform Client Report EP1311716: Canberra) 44p.

Drielsma M, Ferrier S (2009) Rapid evaluation of metapopulation persistence in highly variegated landscapes. Biological Conservation 142(3), 529-540.

Drielsma M, Manion G, Love J, Williams KJ, Harwood T (2014) ‘Draft Report: 3C Modelling for Biodiversity Management Under Future Climate.’ (NSW Office of Environment and Heritage: Armidale) 51p.

DSEWPaC (2012) ‘Australia – Estimated Pre1750 Major Vegetation Subgroups – NVIS Version 4.1 (Albers 100m analysis product)’. (Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra) 9p,

Dunlop M, Brown PR (2008) ‘Implications of Climate Change for Australia’s National Reserve System – A Preliminary Assessment.’ (Department of Climate Change: Canberra) 147p.

Dunlop M, Hilbert DW, Ferrier S, House A, Liedloff A, Prober SM, Smyth A, Martin TG, Harwood T, Williams KJ, Fletcher C, Murphy H (2012a) ‘Implications for policy makers: climate change, biodiversity conservation and the National Reserve System.’ (CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship: Canberra) 11p.

Dunlop M, Hilbert DW, Ferrier S, House A, Liedloff A, Prober SM, Smyth A, Martin TG, Harwood T, Williams KJ, Fletcher C, Murphy H (2012b) ‘The implications of climate change for biodiversity, conservation and the National Reserve System: Final Synthesis.’ (A report prepared for the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship: Canberra) 79p.

Dunlop M, Parris H, Ryan P, Kroon F (2013) ‘Climate-ready conservation objectives: a scoping study.’ (National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility: Gold Coast) 102p.

Elith J, Graham CH, Anderson RP, Dudik M, Ferrier S, Guisan A, Hijmans RJ, Huettmann F, Leathwick JR, Lehmann A, Li J, Lohmann LG, Loiselle BA, Manion G, Moritz C, Nakamura M, Nakazawa Y, Overton JM, Peterson AT, Phillips SJ, Richardson K, Scachetti-Pereira R, Schapire RE, Soberon J, Williams S, Wisz MS, Zimmermann NE (2006) Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. Ecography 29(2), 129-151.

Faith DP, Ferrier S, Williams KJ (2008) Getting biodiversity intactness indices right: ensuring that “biodiversity” reflects “diversity”. Global Change Biology 14(2), 207-217.

Fazey I, Wise RM, Lyon C, Câmpeanu C, Moug P, Davies TE (2015) Past and future adaptation pathways. Climate and Development (early view online), 1-19.

Ferrier S, Guisan A (2006) Spatial modelling of biodiversity at the community level. Journal of Applied Ecology 43(3), 393-404.

Ferrier S, Harwood T, Williams KJ (2012a) ‘Queensland’s biodiversity under climate change: ecological scaling of terrestrial environmental change.’ (CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper No. 12B: Canberra) 49p,

Ferrier S, Harwood T, Williams KJ (2012b) ‘Using Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling to assess potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity composition in Australia, and on the representativeness of the National Reserve System.’ (CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper No. 13E: Canberra) 62p,

Ferrier S, Manion G, Elith J, Richardson K (2007) Using generalized dissimilarity modelling to analyse and predict patterns of beta diversity in regional biodiversity assessment. Diversity and Distributions 13(3), 252-264.

Gould SJ (1979) An Allometric Interpretation of Species-Area Curves: The Meaning of the Coefficient. The American Naturalist 114(3), 335-343.

Hagerman SM, Satterfield T (2014) Agreed but not preferred: expert views on taboo options for biodiversity conservation, given climate change. Ecological Applications 24(3), 548-559.

Harwood T, Williams KJ, Ferrier S (2012) ‘Generation of spatially downscaled climate change predictions for Australia.’ (Generation of spatially downscaled climate change predictions for Australia. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper No. 13F: Canberra) 12,

Hennessy K, Clarke J, Whetton P, Kent D (2012) ‘An introduction to internally consistent climate projections.’ (CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research: Aspendale, Australia) 10p,

Hewitt N, Klenk N, Smith AL, Bazely DR, Yan N, Wood S, MacLellan JI, Lipsig-Mumme C, Henriques I (2011) Taking stock of the assisted migration debate. Biological Conservation 144(11), 2560-2572.

Hilbert DW, Fletcher C (2012) ‘Using artificial neural networks to assess the impacts of future climate change on ecoregions and major vegetation groups in Australia.’ (CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper #13H: Canberra) 47p,

House A, Hilbert D, Ferrier S, Martin T, Dunlop M, Harwood T, Williams KJ, Fletcher CS, Murphy H, Gobbett D (2012) ‘The implications of climate change for biodiversity conservation and the National Reserve System: sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia.’ (CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper No. 13A: Canberra) 62p,

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