The weeds information provided on this website derives from the Weeds and Climate Change Technical Guide (PDF).

The following book chapter, which lists some 70 references to Australian weed studies, was used as the basis for the Technical Guide:

  • Webber, B.L., van Klinken, R.D. and Scott, J.K. (2014) Invasive plants in a rapidly changing climate: an Australian perspective. In: Invasive Species and Global Climate Change (eds L.H. Ziska and J.S. Dukes) CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK, pp 169-197.

Other websites

While we recognise that there is a large amount of information on the internet to help guide weed management, we caution users that the internet remains an unfiltered way of distributing data. By listing an internet resource here we are not endorsing the content or the quality of the information available.

Examples of invasive plant (or weed) management plans that include climate change.
Other NRM weed plans

The following websites contain information of use when planning the management of invasive plant species including weed risk assessment. The location of websites change and new ones are added so additional searches are recommended.

The following guides to planning for pests are applicable to weeds also:
Sites with invasive plant species distribution models including potential climate change:

Refer to Section 4 of the Weeds and Climate Change technical guide for guidance on the appropriate interpretation, selection and use of weed distribution modelling and mapping tools.

See also and use a keyword search.