The 10 principles found here are designed to facilitate shared learning, particularly among NRM planning peers, with researchers, and with stakeholders.
Many of these principles are not necessarily unique or new, nor is the list comprehensive. However, the aim is to make our principles explicit in order to reflect on the science behind them, tools at hand to achieve them more effectively, and what they did or did not achieve in our project. We hope this will help readers identify which principles have relevance in their own practice, sharpen their use of the principles, and be reminded of why and how to engage in these practices.
The principles are summarised below. Principles 1-6 sit under the pillar of Democratisation of Knowledge, while principles 7-10 sit under the pillar of Peer Learning. Click on the list of Principles on the right-hand side to access more detailed descriptions of how these were used in AdaptNRM.
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