A wide range of implementation options are available to help achieve new or revised strategic goals for biodiversity conservation. Some of them are already commonplace in NRM planning and management, while others are unusual, creative or potentially confronting when first introduced.
To make practical choices about which management options to employ now and which to consider for the future, it is helpful to consider the relative risk of each and the type of biodiversity responses they are most applicable to.
Below, we have elaborated on the optional actions introduced in the first part of The Biodiversity Adaptation Toolbox. Linked to the strategic goals they are designed to achieve, the actions are also arranged in two tables broadly reflecting a gradient from low risk or preventative approaches, to options involving more risk and investment (which may be necessary under greater degrees of change).
No regrets
Help nature take its course (Facilitate resilience and adaptability)
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MAINTAIN LARGE POPULATIONSMaintain or restore large population sizes, because larger populations generally have more capacity (genetic and otherwise) to respond to environmental change. Population sizes could be increased by allowing regeneration around small remnants, or increasing connectivity so multiple sub-populations function collectively like one larger population. |
PROMOTE SPECIES-LEVEL GENETIC DIVERSITY IN PLANTINGSFor revegetation, promote adaptive diversity by using seed sourced more widely across the species’ climatic range, with emphasis in the direction of projected climates (‘climate-adjusted provenancing’). This option needs to be weighed against the usually small risk of outbreeding depression, and disruption of local adaptation to non-climatic factors. |
MANAGE AND RESTORE CONNECTIVITY TO SUPPORT MIGRATION AND RANGE SHIFTSIn addition to maintaining large populations, connectivity will need to be increased or maintained to promote other movement-based ecological processes like migration and range shifts. This may involve using established approaches (e.g. restoring woody connectivity) or more novel options (e.g. enhancing connectivity of water sources or grassland environments). |
MINIMISE HUMAN-INDUCED NON-CLIMATIC STRESSORSOptimise ecosystem and landscape functioning in relation to interactions with humaninduced (non-climatic) pressures, to maximise persistence of local or regional biodiversity. Options include restoring compromised soil-water relations, reducing ongoing pressure from livestock or feral grazing, managing alien diseases, plants and animals, reversing effects of fragmentation habitat loss through revegetation, and managing soil nutrient levels. |
MONITOR AND ACCEPT CHANGEIf natural ecosystems are adapting adequately to maintain ecosystem processes and diverse native communities, intervention may not be desirable. A key action could involve building capacity among stakeholders and the broader community for understanding and accepting some degree of change in biodiversity. |
Manage change in key ecosystem services
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IDENTIFY AND MANAGE ECOSYSTEM SERVICESThis could be done within an adaptation pathways framework, incorporating decision points, such as loss of key ecosystem services, to trigger management responses (See Monaro Tablelands Planning Example). Management responses could include replacing the service using alternative species, managing intensively for a key process (see below, ‘Intensive Options’), or managing transitions towards lower reliance on these services. |
Promote re–assembly with native species
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MANAGE NATIONALLY ALIEN SPECIESPrioritise managing potential transformer or displacer aliens suited to projected future climates, and manage at site to regional scales, to allow native species and associated processes to dominate in the assembly of new ecological communities. |
CONTINUE TO INCLUDE ‘LOCAL SPECIES’ IN PLANTINGS, AS SOME MIGHT SURVIVEAt ecological similarities of >0, some species are projected to persist. Others will have wider tolerances than indicated by the current environments they live in. Don’t give up on local or regional native species prematurely. |
INTRODUCE NON-LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES USING THE PROXIMITY PRINCIPLEIntroducing non-local species risks displacing local species, but may be needed to maintain valued ecosystem services (e.g. Monaro Tablelands Planning Example), or ensure plantings are viable. Sourcing species from as close by as feasible within expected climatic limitations will help maintain regional character. This is similar to assisted dispersal (see below, ‘Intensive Options’) but focuses on conserving processes instead of species. We include this option in both ‘No Regrets’ and ‘Intensive Options’ tables because it may be lower or greater risk depending on context. |
Identify, manage and protect refugia
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IDENTIFY, MANAGE AND PROTECT REFUGIAPrioritise biodiversity conservation and management in places where existing native species are most likely to persist and/or retreat to under future climates. These could be identified nationally and regionally. |
Manage for diversity and monitor what works
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PROMOTE RESILIENCE THROUGH DIVERSITYManage for diversity in natural ecosystems (e.g., by maintaining appropriate disturbance regimes) and incorporate a high diversity of locally or regionally native species into revegetation. This will increase the probability that enough species will persist to maintain ecosystem functions. |
Use ‘CAR’ principles to conserve environment types
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USE COMPREHENSIVE, ADEQUATE AND REPRESENTATIVE (CAR) PRINCIPLES TO PROTECT THE FULL RANGE OF CHARACTERISTIC AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONMENTSIdentify areas that represent critical gaps in the National Reserve System as potential priorities for management and/or revegetation. This will help ensure the maximum diversity and optimal extents of environments are available in the future to accommodate today’s biota. |
Encourage positive land use changes for biodiversity
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FAVOUR LAND USE CHANGES WITH POSITIVE RATHER THAN NEGATIVE BIODIVERSITY OUTCOMESThis is likely to favour low-input agricultural systems (e.g., carbon plantings, native pastures or sandalwood plantations) rather than intensive agriculture, to maintain options for native biota and associated ecosystem services. |
Intensive Options
Actively manage ecological processes
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ASSISTED DISPERSALActively facilitate movement of species to projected suitable habitat. Risks to local species and processes in the recipient environment need to be assessed |
MORE INTENSIVELY MANAGE FIRE REGIMES AT SITE AND LANDSCAPE SCALES TO FAVOUR DESIRED TRAJECTORIESFire management can sometimes be used as a tool to maintain elements of present-day communities. This includes application of fire to promote grassy rather than shrubby understoreys in eucalypt woodlands (see regional focus example of projected distribution of vegetation types), or control of fire to limit loss of fire-sensitive ecosystems. Decision points might include the manageability of wildfire and concerns around loss of ecosystem functions or declining taxa. |
CONSIDER LANDSCAPE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONSSolutions that involve engineering of coastlines or topography to influence water |
INTENSIVELY MANAGE NATURAL PRESSURES TO HELP CONSERVE HIGHLY VALUED SPECIES OR ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIESManaging natural pressures, such as natural diseases or competitors, could help target species or communities survive climate stress. For example, reducing natural parasite infestations in chicks of a rare Tasmanian albatross is compensating for reductions in breeding success due to the warming climate. |
Promote re–assembly with native species
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INTRODUCE NON-LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES USING THE PROXIMITY PRINCIPLEIntroducing non-local species risks displacing local species that may otherwise persist, but may be needed to maintain valued ecosystem services (see Monaro Tablelands Planning example), or ensure plantings are viable. Sourcing species from as close by as feasible within expected climatic limitations will help maintain regional character. This is similar to assisted dispersal but focuses on conserving processes instead of species. We include this option in both ‘No regrets’ and ‘Intensive Options’ tables because it may be lower or greater risk depending on context. |
Intensively manage ‘museums’
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MAINTAIN EX SITU POPULATIONS AND BREEDING PROGRAMS FOR ICONIC SPECIESSpecies that may have no or very little suitable habitat left in the future may need to be maintained as purely captive populations if their continued existence is deemed important enough. |
CREATE RESERVES WITH HARD BOUNDARIES AND INTENSIVELY MANAGE WITHIN THEMEcological environments likely to disappear could potentially be maintained as ‘living museums’ or ‘wild zoos’, though methods to do so may not be readily available. An example could be preserving alpine grasslands using fire or slashing to control invading trees. |